Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Passover - Matzoh Madness

Sundown Friday marked the beginning of Passover, the holiday celebrating the exodus of the Jews from slavery in Egypt. It's a festive occasion and includes some of my favorite foods and religious traditions. For 8 days all leavened breads, wheat products, barleys, etc. are verboten. Instead there are a bevy of matzoh (unleavened bread, similar to a cracker) products. It definitely forces me to be creative with my cooking!

I made a first night dinner (not a typical Seder, the festive holiday meal) with all the traditional Passover food for my brother and his GF. The foods of Passover are meaningful, each item we eat and drink bears a rich symbolize and tradition. I would not do any religious explanations justice in my short blog entry!
My homemade matzoh ball soup
There was homemade matzoh ball soup (slow cooker chicken stock is the way to go!), beef tzimmes (a traditional stew made with beef short ribs, sweet potatoes, carrots, honey and prunes), charoset (apples, nuts & cinnamon), matzoh for the table, salad (yes, need some greens in there!) and for dessert there was chocolate caramel dipped matzoh (I'll definitely be making that again) and chocolate macaroons.

Beef Tzimmes

Salad, charoset and matzoh
The second night I did go to a traditional seder with my BF's family. His Mom and his aunt are both wonderful cooks and made a true feast. It was wonderful celebrating the holiday with his family, because it's so important to feel like you are part of the tradition.

I'm sticking to my guns this year and am being good keeping Passover. I've been trying out some new recipes and would HIGHLY recommend the quinoa mac and cheese which I of course topped with matzoh meal :)

1 comment:

  1. Looks like a masterful feast! I think that matzo treat should be around all the time ;)
